Thursday 10 December 2009

Farm provides habitat for threatened bird species

Over the summer, keen-eyed twitchers have been monitoring Launceston Farm for breeding populations of six farmland bird species which have suffered the most severe decline in numbers in recent years: Grey partridge, Lapwing, Turtle dove, Yellow wagtail, Tree sparrow and Corn bunting. Most of which have been spied on the farm.

Launceston Farm is in a high area of importance for conservation and we are stepping up our environmental stewardship commitments to manage the farm in ways which benefit these threatened bird species.  Measures include leaving the stubble over the winter once the crops have been harvested rather than spraying it or ploughing it up to provide food and habitat for ground nesting birds, using wild flower seed mixes on grass margins to encourage insects and hedge cutting every two years rather than every year which will provide additional food and shelter.

For more information on the South West Farmland Bird Initiative check out the Natural England website.

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