Monday 23 February 2009

Sweet, sweet love....

Following a fantastic Valentines Weekend at Launceston Farm with five lovely couples and a lovely travel writer and her friend all celebrating the festivities, the English fiz was flowing.
On the farm, the spring beans have been planted and three fiesty new fellas are on their way to cheer up our lonesome cows.
With easter fast approaching, Sarah will be whipping up the shortbread rabbits...Wren can hardly bear the excitment!!

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it last!

We just thought the house looked pretty...

Despite the hazardous two inches which have brought Dorset to almost complete standstill, the show must go on. Being the time of year for ploughing, Phil is out there braving the elements - almost as intrepid as Tia (pictured here).

We hope all the snow eases up in time for Launceston Farm's impending Valentines Day celebrations.

We would love to see any other shots of the Tarrant Valley in the snow if anyone has any...?